Why are Coloring Books so Popular Again?

When next you are at the mall or bookshop take a walk down the shelves which have books for sale, you will notice that the coloring books are back.

There are so many coloring books for adults and children, and I can guarantee that if you returned in a few days, those coloring books have been sold. Who is buying them? Who has the time to use coloring books? Many people have discovered the therapeutic benefits of coloring, and they are taking advantage of these books.

Coloring page on a table

Coloring books are affordable, and they are very interesting to use. Depending on your interests you can get a wide variety of coloring books with different illustrations. I get so thrilled when I see coloring books of my favorite movies or even those cartoons I enjoyed as a young child. The illustrations in adult coloring books are more vivid and complex to color, unlike the bigger illustrations you can find in the coloring books for little children. This makes the activity so much fun. While using coloring books, your goal will always be to finish with a tidy and beautiful picture which has been colored to match the original character from what you can remember or a different color pattern you think is most suitable.

Using traditional coloring books

I have seen many mobile apps that offer coloring games but they cannot be compared to using the tradition color pencils and a coloring book. The benefits experience is also clearly different.

Benefits of coloring images on a book

Let’s discuss why this trend is becoming more popular even among adults now.

Coping with stress and anxiety

Studies have linked using the coloring books with experiencing feelings such as tranquility and mental health. Coloring images can cause you to experience a calmness that will overcome feelings of anxiety. Living in these modern times can make an individual often experience anxiety due to their jobs, relationships, and fear of the unknown tomorrow. People who contend with these feelings can experience calmness by engaging in a simple activity such as using a coloring book.

Inner creativity

It gives you more opportunities to develop your creative reasoning abilities which can be applied in your jobs, business or in managing your relationships with other people.


Many people have not experienced the feeling of satisfaction for so long, and it can be quite depressing. After completing the coloring of an image, you will feel a deep sense of satisfaction which is good for your mental health.

Improved concentration

Using coloring books can help you overcome everyday distractions that keep you from focusing on your goals. Using these books help to improve concentration and attention to detail. Performing this activity regularly will help you apply these principles in your personal life.

Simple mandala

Talent recognition

Coloring pages can help you to recognize artistic talents of your child. You have to remember that coloring is a small piece of art. It is a perfect occasion to watch how easily your compose colors, fits them in lines and use extraordinary coloring techniques.

Take a temporary break from your mobile devices and computers

Give your mind and eyes a break. The stimuli from these modern gadgets can be overwhelming. Coloring does not require complicated skills, and you become better with every new image you color. Considering these benefits, coloring books are a welcome distraction from the hassles of this modern world.