Q&A regarding coloring pages

A girl focused on coloring

1.  Is not coloring an activity targeted only for kids?
Not necessarily. For some time it is commonly known and proven by research that adults can benefit in numerous ways when they color. It explains a surge in a number of adults interested in coloring pages in recent years. For example, a series titled “Secret garden” exceeded all previous selling records of coloring books for adults. Many pieces of research showed without doubts that coloring helps adults to reduce stress, find better mind balance, meditate, bring back positive memories, change their mood, and also spark creative potential.

2. How can I find a good coloring page?
First of all, you just have to like it. It is as simple as that. What can seem appealing to a one person can lack appeal to all others. We can say that coloring pages are small pieces of art. Usually, not very sophisticated, but still. So you just have to choose pictures resonating with you.
Luckily, the choice available on the market is really huge. Especially of pictures available online. You can find many good websites and download many nice coloring pages instantly and completely for free.

3. I am really bad at coloring, How can I be better?
Oh come on, it is not a competition! But if you want to be better and better, then you should learn at your own pace. You do not have to impress anyone by all means. You just need to spend some nice time and relax a bit.
If you want some technical advice then follow these rules for a start:

  • match different colors into harmony
  • try using different coloring utensils and choose your favorites
  • read some articles on coloring techniques available on the internet
  • join Facebook groups, blogs and forums bringing together other coloring enthusiasts

4. What is the difference between coloring pages for adults and children?
The fact is that there is one main difference, Coloring pages for adults are usually much more complicated and sophisticated than pieces designed for the little coloring enthusiasts. They are also usually made of intricate details and more mature patterns. Coloring sheets for children are pretty basic to avoid the discouraging effect.

5.  When should I spend time coloring?
There is also no iron rule to obey here. You just need to feel comfortable and in a proper mood for coloring. This will depend on you. Many people love to this evenings when all other family members are sleeping, it is quiet and easier to focus. Maybe this is a good clue for you? But, on the other hand, you feel like coloring only mornings then do it as you like. I will repeat that – what is good for some individuals does not have to be a perfect solution for you.

6. Where should I search for some Inspirations?
Well, there are multiple places to find inspiration online. For example, mentioned before: forums, Facebook groups, personal blogs, Pinterest or Google+ profiles etc., Just look for places visited by people with similar interests. It helps to learn quicker, share interesting ideas and, if you wish, get your work criticized and corrected by more experienced coloring fans. Over time, you will get better and better and most probably inspire others:)

7. Is it better to buy brand new coloring pages from a bookstore or download printable pictures from the internet?
It is another question without an unequivocal answer. So the simplest answer would be: it is up to you. Quality of images is very similar here and there. So compare both offers if you have enough time. After that decide what you like more and which coloring pages are more suitable for you. As a matter of fact, finding coloring pages on the internet is easier for most of the people. Just remember that the ultimate goal is to make sure that you have a lot of fun during coloring, not spending too much money. Well maybe, excepting a situation that you can afford it of course:)

8. Which coloring pages are the best choice for children?
Children usually like coloring books with characters known from TV, books and computer games. So the easiest choice for boys will probably be Superman, Spiderman, Turtles etc. Girls, on the other hand, will probably like pictures of Barbie and Ken, Little Pony, Paw Patrol, Princesses etc.

A hint of the day for bloggers – use creative commons!

This post will be relatively short and directed to people publishing content on the internet. As you probably know, each blog should have high-quality images. Usually, the problem is where to get them without infringing on the copyright? And here comes a great genius plugin called Compfight

It’s free and extremely easy to use. After you install it, you will see “Compfight” rectangle in your WordPress post editor.

When you want to include a picture to your post, all you need to do is to click that rectangle and type what you are looking for.

Browse searching results, make your pick and it will look like below.

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Great tool, isn’t it?:)

Prepare your child for the first day at school

The first day at school isn’t too easy for both parent and child. It usually comes with some serious challenges. To make it at least a bit easier, it’s a good idea to start preparations for the big day before it finally comes. Below we present several useful ideas to make it less bewildering for children and unpredictable for parents. Learn how great effect you can achieve by mixing entertainment with traditional ways of learning.

First Albanian SchoolCreative Commons License David Stanley via CompfightCreative Commons License Brian Evans via Compfight  https://fajnekonkursy.pl/

Good basics

The written word is the foundation of learning at school. But before a child can learn to properly use it, first must master some basic manual skills. And subsequently, the written word will open numerous paths of imagination and creativity. It also allows communicating much more effectively.

To train manuals skills needed to write, use various stationary objects like crayons, pens, pencils or even plasticine. Add a piece of paper and just let a child play with this set of items.

You probably already know that children love to learn through play and that’s a very effective method. So learning how to write properly should be conducted on the same path. Free play is a very good beginning to know better new objects and learns how to hold them naturally. Watch closely child general behavior and his facial expressions to judge whether the activity is entertaining or not. But refrain from intruding too much in this initial phase. You will start introducing some useful advice a bit later. Now just make sure that the child feels comfortable with new items.

Don’t worry too much, children are amazingly effective observers. They are able to pick up and introduce a lot of completely new information by simply watching the surrounding world. So it’s a good idea to allow a child to watch how you write, draw or paint.  But on this occasion try to do it a bit slower than usual. So that the child can keep up with your movements. Later you can encourage him to repeat your moves one after another.


Learning the alphabet is really a big challenge for a little child. So you can try using visual stimulus like for example coloring pages for children. You can easily find the whole alphabet on a series of coloring pages where a child can try to fit colors inside the letters. Moreover, the pictures are usually decorated with a relevant drawing, for example, letter “A” is accompanied by an antelope, “B” by a bear and so on. This will very effectively instill visual associations working as reminders. This will be a true handicap for a child beginning to learn the alphabet at school.

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Reading can be fun

Reading to your child is a must. It’s a great way of describing him several aspects of life and the art of storytelling. Listening to relaxing sounds of a parent’s voice will surely encourage a child’s curiosity about the world and awareness of the surrounding environment.

When a child is of pre-school age, reading can be a very good way to help him prepare for school and gives him a basic insight of what to expect on the very beginning of the education process. When a child knows more beforehand, this will give him more confidence during the first weeks in a classroom.

But how exactly reading can prepare children for school? Well, numerous researches prove that even just 10-15 minutes reading to a child a day substantially helps:

  • to develop social and emotional skills of a child
  • strengthen a mutual bond with parents
  • strengthen self-confidence and willingness to learn

Combine reading with more interactive methods to make it even more fun. This way children who begin learning to read at school are usually in a positive state of mind.

So what can you do exactly? For example, make animal noises or funny characterizations. This will increase child’s engagement and generally make it more entertaining.

Try asking some simple questions regarding the story, such as: “What would you do it this situation?” or “Do you think that it’s right or wrong?”.

It’s also a good idea to swap the roles for a moment. Just let your child be the storyteller. If he can’t read yet, then he can describe what he sees in the picture. You, on the other hand, can ask some additional questions. It allows a child to use imagination and interpret the surrounding world.

Remember to steer clear of TV, radio or mobile phone noise to make reading the most efficient and relaxing.

You can make it!

Learning at school can be a big challenge for many children. A rigorous routine, many new friends and a teacher who isn’t always the most polite person.  Especially at the very beginning it can be truly overwhelming for slower adjusting kids. Prepare your child for this big challenge to build a positive attitude and optimism towards his first day of school.

School or homeschool?

Both home and public education have numerous enthusiasts. Many parents, however, face this dilemma and do not know which option to choose. If you are one of them, watch the video below, which can help you make the right decision.

Funny costumes

Today’s post is absolutely off-topic:) Nothing about meditations, coloring pages, children life or life hacks.

Today I would like to ask you to choose which dog’s costume is better? I need one but I’m so amazed by both that it’s just impossible to pick only one:)

I would be deeply grateful for any votes in comments.

1. Three heads

Three heads costume for a dog

2. Headless Horseman

headless Horseman dog costume