
Hi everyone!

So I want to have a blog, right? So what should I start with?

Well, probably a few words of introduction. You know what I don’t like very much on most of the social websites? BIOs! A small rectangle where you should describe yourself in a couple of words. Seriously? Another instant service of the contemporary world is our own personality comprised in 20-30 words? I know that it’s not the biggest problem of humanity but I really can’t stand situation when everything has to be delivered faster, all aspects of life are getting more and more superficial and there is no time for know someone deeply.

Stop sign

You see someone’s profile on FB and your judgment of his person is already ready. In my humble opinion, it’s something wrong there.

Our system of values and judgments changed dramatically in recent years. And a direction is clear. We have to speed up even more.

Many of you probably seen or at least heard about “Black Mirror” series. It’s a vision of future without pink glasses on the nose. There are many indications that the future will not be perfect. Gently speaking…

Applications, artificial intelligence, and autonomy are already replacing a true friendship, deep interpersonal relations and a right to be wrong sometimes.

I remember pretty clear when a couple of years ago I received my first personal computer 486dx4. I was amazed, I was happy and excited how those machines can change our lives for better.

And now? When I hear about computers discovering their own language to communicate I’m starting to be a bit anxious. And when I hear that a power of modern computer processors doubles each year, I start to wonder what to expect in the next decade? Because I’m pretty sure that this world will not be too similar to our present times.

But we’ll see.

And for the end of my first post a little disclaimer. I’m not a pesimistic person in everyday life. It’s just my mood today and I’m not going to spread only negative thoughts. Spring is coming so let’s hope for a little more sun and serotonin in our veins;)

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